Technical Specifications
Coat thickness : 15 to 16 mm
Compressive Strength: > 10 N/mm² after 28 days
Flexural strength: > 4 N/mm² after 28 days
Thickness for application: 10 – 15 mm Adhesion strength
Shear method: > 1.5 N/mm² after 28 days
Pull Out Method: > 2 N/mm² after 28 days
Pull Off Strength: > 0.5 N/mm² after 28 days ( BS 4551 : 1980).
Consistency & Assured quality of plaster for internal application.
Better coverage in plaster area.
Accurate proportioning of ingredients and homogenous mixture so good bonding, less rebound hence reduces the wastage during plastering.
Excellent permeability resistant.
Better coverage in plaster area.
Increased plastic life of mortar and reduces drying shrinkage cracks. Improved labour productivity hence reduces the cost.
Easy to use manually or by plastering machine.
APPLICATIONS PreMix Plast can be used on brick, block & concrete walls, patching honeycombs in concrete to improve the quality of plastering work by factory controlled product.